Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday, 26th Feb 2012

Phew, just upgraded my PSP CFW from 5.50 Prome 4 to 6.xx pro CFW
Just wanna post the instructions I found online at here before I lose them
Upgrading from 5.50 GEN or 5.50 Prometheus 4 to OFW 6.60
1. Open VSH menu by clicking on the Select button from xmb(main psp menu)
 2. Change USB device to Flash0
 3. Connect your psp to pc
 4. Navigate to \vsh\etc\
 5. Open version.txt using notepad or wordpad
 6. In the first line change the 9.90 to 5.50 and save.
 7. Disconnect your psp from the pc and change the USB device back to Memory stick in vsh menu

 8. Download OFW 6.60
 9. Extract the file
 11. From the xmb (main psp menu) run the update from Game ? Memory Stick
 12. Now you are on OFW 6.60

 13. Download 6.60 PRO B-9
 14. Extract the file
 15. Copy PROUPDATE and CIPL Flasher folders to PSP/GAME/
 16. From the xmb (main psp menu) run the PROUPDATE from Game - Memory stick.
 17. Press X to install CFW
 18. From the xmb (main psp menu) run the CIPL Flasher from Game - Memory stick.
(For permanent patch)
 19. You have successfully installed 6.60 PRO B-9