Thursday, June 14, 2012

Reflection Journal for Programming 06

The Question (from :

The Code :

# 4 line version

for i in range(0,10,1):
    print (i*'#') + (22 - i*2) * ' ' + (i*'#')
for i in range(10,0,-1):
    print (i*'#') + (22 - i*2) * ' ' + (i*'#')


# 5 line version

def hourglass(a,b,c):
    for i in range (a,b,c):
        print (i*'#') + (22 - i*2) * ' ' + (i*'#')


Reflection : Managed to figure out how the pattern of the code should be after 10 minutes of screwing around with the codes.
I'm bad with visualizing such stuffs in my mind with program codes, hope next time don't have such troublesome question lol.

Thursday, 14th June 2012

Today programming lesson
Tio scam
Not ball, but is a moving stick
Teacher tell me is a running man, what shitty graphics is that lol


Managed to finish today de programming target cause got help from other programmers
Hate visualizing weird things =.=

Reflection Journal also need write about codes LOL

After programming lesson, went for 2nd UT
Which is Communication Practice

Kinda easy actually, at least easier than Creative Concepts lol
At least no need think about durian and batman~